Fellowship: I scream, you scream…

Our world is divided right now, our country is divided, our state is divided, and even our church is divided. Around our country, things are getting ugly politically and we are all feeling it, no matter with which side of the aisle you identify. Finding things we can all agree on has always been difficult, but if feels almost impossible right now. A few Sundays ago, we all agreed that ice cream for breakfast can bring us together. You might think that cappuccino crunch is the best and I might think that cookies and cream is the best, but we can agree that ice cream, specifically Tongue and Cheek’s delicious, rich flavors, is scrumptious. As I watched a line form and members chatting with other members, I couldn’t help but smile. It was a beautiful, sunny day and I feel certain that God was smiling down on GPC’s east parking lot. We put our differences aside and ate ice cream together.
Many years ago, I participated in a Mom’s Bible study at GPC. One of my favorite studies was focused on Christian hospitality. I love to throw a party (and attend them too). In fact, I am sure that love of hospitality is what landed me in this role as Fellowship Elder. As I stood and watched brothers and sisters standing around outside, eating ice cream together, I was reminded of this verse: Romans 12:13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. May we as a church family continue to find new ways to show hospitality, even in these divided times.
We all scream for ice cream!
Ann Boles