Mission: 2024 in Review

Grace Presbyterian Mission Ministry Summary for 2024
GPC Mission was busy during 2024 in its commitment to further the vision of our church as stated in our Vision 2030 document.
Serving as the hands and feet of Jesus in our community we sponsored regular Minnie’s Food Pantry workdays. We sponsored quarterly blood drives in conjunction with Carter Blood Care. Grace members served at Austin Street Center and we hosted refugees at Grace Place. Mission sponsored successful food, book and school supply drives for Minnie’s, PCHAS and Carpenter Middle School respectively. Throughout the year donations have been received, and members have volunteered to keep our Little Free Pantry stocked. All of these events relied on the wonderful generosity of our members.

Some of the City House Donations
Mission collaborated with the Women of Grace for a yarn drive and a household items collection for City House. With Children’s Ministry we supported Beaty Elementary. Financial support was given to our ESL and Prison ministries.
We even celebrated by having a Solar Eclipse party.

April Eclipse
To help tell our story, Mission launched a blog directed towards Grace members and the broader community. Other Grace ministries have joined in with their own posts

Mission: Saving Lives Through Blood Donations

One Mississippi, two Mississippi. Two seconds. That’s how often someone in the United States needs a blood transfusion. There are so many lives saved through blood donations – an accident victim, a patient with a disease requiring a lifetime of transfusions, someone with a scheduled surgical procedure, or perhaps a family member battling cancer, like my brother. It’s pretty straight forward. When you donate blood, you save lives.

Carter BloodCare needs 1,500 blood donors each day to meet the requirements of the patients in the fifty-seven counties they serve in North, Central, and East Texas. According to Carter BloodCare, sixty percent of the local blood supply is typically collected at blood drives. To keep up with the demand, at least 700 blood drives must be hosted monthly throughout our region. I am so grateful to the members of Grace who have faithfully given blood during one of our drives or at another donation center. In the past two years, we have donated enough blood to save more than 200 lives!
So, get ready to roll up your sleeve in 2025. We will host 4 blood drives next year. Mark your calendar for January 19, 2025, April 27, 2025, August 24, 2025, and November 9, 2025 to donate at Grace and give the gift of life. If you are unable to make one of the drives hosted on our campus, please share the sponsor number for Grace Presbyterian Church when you donate at a Carter BloodCare location. The sponsor number is SPON105217. Your donation will be recorded as a donation from our church and shows our commitment to saving lives.

Mission: Austin Street Center

Grace crew – New Years Eve 2023

Mission: Clothes Closet

Mission: Food Insecurity

Minnie’s Food Pantry
How does Grace PC help with this problem? By donating our time and other resources in helping agencies such as Minnie’s Food Pantry located in Plano. Many Grace members have volunteered to load boxes of food into vehicles, pack boxes, unfold and tape boxes, sort cans of food, and help in the boutique. Whatever the staff at Minnie’s needs us to do we do it. Our next date to help at Minnie’s is September 7th.

In October, mission committee will host a food packing event with The Outreach Program, formally known as Numana. We currently have a plan to pack 18,900 meals to send to Haiti. Floyd Hammer and Kathy Hamilton co-founded The Outreach Program. It does more than food, according to their website, they are involved in medical care, clean water, and education. Kathy and Floyd have received awards from President Barack Obama and President George W. Bush. Check out their website to learn about what the awards were for and what else this busy organization is doing. outreachprogram.org
Grace’s own Little Food Pantry (LFP) helps our neighbors closer to home who are food insecure. Thank you all for bringing food to restock the LFP.

Mission: Special Offerings

In the Presbyterian Church USA there are 4 times a year we have special offerings. At Grace the administration of the offerings goes through the Mission Committee. In this blog I’ll talk about what these offerings are and how we have distributed the funds in the last year. In general, the total for each offering is between $1,000 and $2,000. For offerings that allow discretion in allocation, the committee decides the split.

In 2023 Mission sent 50% of the offering to the Presbyterian Mission Agency. 25% went to our synod’s Solar under the Sun program and the local 25% was used to support Grace’s refugee work.

Mission: My First Mission Trip…

- First is the impact of the new initiative in the community it will serve
- Second is what opportunities it creates for our members to serve and develop this aspect of their spiritual life.
to serve and grow as a Christian.
our services and join one mission project. I am very sure you will get hooked like I was.
you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe
you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?
mine, you did for me. (Matthew 25:44-45)”

Mission: Prison Ministry

A few weekends ago, Mike Shaw and I took a mission trip, but we didn’t go build any houses and we didn’t go renovate any churches. We instead went to the prison in Winnsboro, Texas- the Clyde Johnston unit- and built relationships with the men in white.
I sat at a table with six men in white, who called themselves The Sons of Light, and I listened as they told me their stories of their journey to Christ, from addiction to redemption. I heard stories of forgiveness, repentance, redemption and restoration. The Holy Spirit was a palpable presence in that room for three days. I was moved to fervently pray with two men for their reconciliation with their families.
I want to thank the Mission committee of the church for their support of the Residents Encounter Christ mission in Winnsboro, and I especially want to thank everybody who signed up for a space on the prayer chain, and who signed the posters encouraging the men in their walk. It is important to the men there to know that they have not been forgotten by the people on the outside.
I will be going back to the prison in October of this year. I invite anybody who wants to join me in this walk to sign up for a slot on the prayer chain and to sign the poster of encouragement for these men. If you want, you can come join me, sit at a table, listen to their stories and let the men know in a very real way that Christ still loves them.
–Clark Carradine

Mission: PCHAS

Mission: Welcome Grace

Welcome to the Grace PC mission blog. The long term goal of this blog is to talk about the different aspects of mission work at GPC. In this inaugural post I’m going to outline who is “mission” at Grace and how we decide what to pursue.
At Grace every member is a part of mission – or can be. Practically, and since we are Presbyterian, we have a Mission committee. The committee is currently composed of 8 members, one of whom is the Mission elder, plus an associate pastor and a member of the finance committee (Mission represents about 10% of the GPC budget). We meet the 2nd Tuesday of every month and any are welcome to join the meetings.
The current committee:
Bill Urech – Elder/Moderator |
Portia Stephens |
Fred Alves |
Bill Burnett |
Helen Blacklock |
Bryan Haworth |
Diana Sparacin |
Janice McQuary |
Wilson Nicholson – Assoc Pastor |
John Davis – Finance |

Bill Urech (Mission Elder)