Mission: 2024 in Review

Grace Presbyterian Mission Ministry Summary for 2024

GPC Mission was busy during 2024 in its commitment to further the vision of our church as stated in our Vision 2030 document.

Serving as the hands and feet of Jesus in our community we sponsored regular Minnie’s Food Pantry workdays. We sponsored quarterly blood drives in conjunction with Carter Blood Care. Grace members served at Austin Street Center and we hosted refugees at Grace Place. Mission sponsored successful food, book and school supply drives for Minnie’s, PCHAS and Carpenter Middle School respectively. Throughout the year donations have been received, and members have volunteered to keep our Little Free Pantry stocked. All of these events relied on the wonderful generosity of our members.

Some of the City House Donations

Mission collaborated with the Women of Grace for a yarn drive and a household items collection for City House. With Children’s Ministry we supported Beaty Elementary. Financial support was given to our ESL and Prison ministries.



We even celebrated by having a Solar Eclipse party.

April Eclipse

To help tell our story, Mission launched a blog directed towards Grace members and the broader community. Other Grace ministries have joined in with their own posts

Unfortunately, we could not do everything we set out to do in 2024. We needed to cancel our Numana food packing event for budget reasons and were not able to go to Guatemala. For Numana, we are actively seeking a replacement in 2025. For Guatemala, we have established safety/training protocols for the trip and are seeking new underserved regions in the country to explore. Additionally, we are testing the effectiveness of in-country support for existing systems – as facilitated by our earlier Internet of Things (IOT) work. Mission remains engaged with Family Promise as they are becoming more active in 2025
Thank you Grace members for your continued support of our Mission ministry!
Bill Urech – Mission Elder